PO Box 2177, Johnson City, TN 37605, (423) 743-7799
Watauga Valley Art League PO Box 2177, Johnson City,TN 37605 WVAL@WataugaValleyArtLeague.com (423) 480-5246
Watauga Valley Art LeaguePO Box 2177, Johnson City,TN 37605WVAL@WataugaValleyArtLeague.com(423) 480-5246 
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WVAL Newsletter March 2023.pdf
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WVAL February 2023 Newsletter.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter December 2022.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter September 2022.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter November 2021.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter February 2020.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter January 2020.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter April 2019.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter March 2019.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter February 2019.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter January 2019.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter November 2018.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter October 2018.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter September 2018.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter August 2018.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter June 2018.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter May 2018.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter April 2018.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter March 2018.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter February 2018.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter January 2018.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter August 2017.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter July 2017.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter June 2017.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter April 2017.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter March 2017.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter February 2017.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter January 2017.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter December 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter November 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter October 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter September 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter August 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter July 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter June 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter May 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter April 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter March 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter Februay 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter January 2016.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter December 2015.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter December 2015 I.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter November 2015.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter October 2015.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter September 2015.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter August 2015.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter July 2015.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter June 2015.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter May 2015.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [842.1 KB]
WVAL Newsletter April 2015.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter March 2015.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter February 2015.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [592.0 KB]
WVAL Newsletter January 2015.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter December 2014.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter November 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [536.2 KB]
WVAL Newsletter October 2014.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter September 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [715.4 KB]
WVAL Newsletter August 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [703.5 KB]
WVAL Newsletter July, 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [745.8 KB]
WVAL Newsletter June, 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [245.0 KB]
WVAL Newsletter May, 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [216.1 KB]
WVAL Newsletter April 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [107.4 KB]
WVAL Newsletter March 2014.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter February 2014.pdf
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WVAL Newsletter January 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [194.9 KB]
WVAL newsletter November.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [79.7 KB]
WVAL newsletter, September, 2013.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [82.4 KB]

All artists featured here are members of the Watauga Valley Art League and display a sampling of their artwork for your enjoyment.  Paintings may be purchased through direct contact with the individual artist.

Also included on this site is information on the art league and current news relative to the  league and it's members.  Please click on the artist or item of your interest.



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