PO Box 2177, Johnson City, TN 37605, (423) 743-7799
Watauga Valley Art League PO Box 2177, Johnson City,TN 37605 WVAL@WataugaValleyArtLeague.com (423) 480-5246
Watauga Valley Art LeaguePO Box 2177, Johnson City,TN 37605WVAL@WataugaValleyArtLeague.com(423) 480-5246 
Barbara Bible "Jake" Carter Wilson
Phone: 423-798- 0702
Email: wcbyjake@adelphia.net

Barbara has had an appreciation of the colors , shapes and beauty around her all of her life. Her earliest memory, at the age of three, was the discovery of tiny flowers blooming along a dirt path where she was born and raised, "up the holler" in the hills of East Tennessee.
Through the years she attended art classes in Connecticut and North Carolina. After moving back to Tennessee in 1999 her love of watercolor accelerated under the teaching of Urban Bird.
She signs her name "Jake" a nickname given her by her father.
Artist's Statement:
Watercolor is a happy part of my life. I love the mystery and excitement of watching a picture come together and especially seeing unexpected, wonderful little things just "happen".
Each day is a brand new splash of color and design. I may not hear the complete dialog but it gives me joy to know that I, at least, am participating in the conversation.




Title:  "Charlie's Red Rocker"

Media:  Watercolor

Size:  11X14


Title:  "Horsecreek"

Media:  Watercolor

Size:  18X29


Title:  "Over the Hill"

Media:  Watercolor

Size:  11X16


Title"  "The Bible Bridge"

Media:  Watercolor

Size:  11X20

All artists featured here are members of the Watauga Valley Art League and display a sampling of their artwork for your enjoyment.  Paintings may be purchased through direct contact with the individual artist.

Also included on this site is information on the art league and current news relative to the  league and it's members.  Please click on the artist or item of your interest.



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