PO Box 2177, Johnson City, TN 37605, (423) 743-7799
Watauga Valley Art League PO Box 2177, Johnson City,TN 37605 WVAL@WataugaValleyArtLeague.com (423) 480-5246
Watauga Valley Art LeaguePO Box 2177, Johnson City,TN 37605WVAL@WataugaValleyArtLeague.com(423) 480-5246 

WVAL Opportunities


ART LEAGUE VOLUNTEERING - Multiple committees available to fit a varity of interests.


COMMUNITY SERVICE - Christmas cards for Seniors, Paint-for-the public opportunities, 4x4 Miniature Masterpiece participation, community fundraiser activities



 ART EXHIBITS - 4 TO 6 Exhibits yearly featuring member artwork.  Member work typically includes a broad range of media, such as oil, acrylics, watercolor, pastel, pen & ink, mixed media and sculpture.

MONTHLY MEETINGS - Second Sunday of the month from 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sycamore Shoals State Park in Elizabethton

  • Art Critique and meeting
  • Refreshments
  • Educational presentation and demonstrations


Member Perks

SOCIAL EVENTS - May picnic and December social event

NEWSLETTER & WEB - Monthly newsletter and website with two FREE member pages

Join the Art League


If you have a desire to share and develop the love of art, then join the Watauga Valley Art League (WVAL).  Established in 1969, the WVAL has 100+ members in the six Northeastern counties of Tennessee.  Our mission is to encourage artists and promote public interest in fine art through education, networking and fellowship among our artists.  WVAL membership consists of art teachers, professionals hobbyists, amateurs and some who just love art.  The League has monthly informational programs and demonstrations, sponsors member art exhibits, has a free video Art Library, and participates in community service art projects.










All artists featured here are members of the Watauga Valley Art League and display a sampling of their artwork for your enjoyment.  Paintings may be purchased through direct contact with the individual artist.

Also included on this site is information on the art league and current news relative to the  league and it's members.  Please click on the artist or item of your interest.



MasterCard Visa American Express All credit cards PayPal Advance payment Cash on delivery
MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Credit Card, Paypal, Advance Payment, Cash



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