PO Box 2177, Johnson City, TN 37605, (423) 743-7799
Watauga Valley Art League PO Box 2177, Johnson City,TN 37605 WVAL@WataugaValleyArtLeague.com (423) 480-5246
Watauga Valley Art LeaguePO Box 2177, Johnson City,TN 37605WVAL@WataugaValleyArtLeague.com(423) 480-5246 

Judy Howell 


While living in Southern California, Judy began painting as a hobby in 1989. Taking as many art classes as she could, varying from decorative to fine art. It didn’t take long before she realized she enjoys painting the coastline and old buildings. The following year she started a business selling her art at Art and Craft shows, Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival, and different venues throughout Santa Barbara, CA.

She has been fortunate to live in beautiful coastal communities, which is where; she got her inspiration to paint colorful coastal scenes. She also lived in Big Bear Lake, CA providing beautiful mountainside surroundings, with lots of rustic cabins and tall trees. Her travels throughout her life have taken her to places on the East Coast such as Cape Cod, Provincetown, New Jersey, and North Carolina. Which you can see some of those influences in her paintings.


Judy paints in oils, acrylic and watercolor. She was a member and board member of the Fiesta Decorative Painters, Goleta Valley Art Association, and Society of Decorative Painters. She is currently a member and on the board of the Watauga Valley Art League and a member of the Creative Artist Guild in Tn.


She now resides in Johnson City, Tn. and teaches the techniques she has learned in her new art studio. She has her art displayed in her studio, Johnson City Custom Frame Shop, Hopland Medical Care Building in Elizabethton, and the summer, Christmas, and small art shows throughout the year at Sycamore Shores State Park.


All artists featured here are members of the Watauga Valley Art League and display a sampling of their artwork for your enjoyment.  Paintings may be purchased through direct contact with the individual artist.

Also included on this site is information on the art league and current news relative to the  league and it's members.  Please click on the artist or item of your interest.



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